Pealkirjad APA viidetes

Allika iseseisvus Teksti sees Allikate loetelus
Vormindamine Näide Vormindamine Näide
Eraldi seisev

(näiteks raamat, e-raamat, aruanded, teadustööd, multimeedia, käsikiri)

Kursiivis, ilma jutumärkideta. Kevade Kursiivis, Kevade
Osa tervikust

(näiteks ajakirja artikkel

Jutumärkide sees, püstises kirjas “Vaimuandidest” Püstises kirjas, ilma jutumärkideta Vaimuandidest

Teksti näited:

    The article “Psychological Distress, Acculturation, and Mental Health-Seeking Attitudes Among People of African Descent in the United States: A Preliminary Investigation” (Obasi & Leong, 2009) makes an important contribution to the mental health and acculturation literature.
    Students read stories of visual agnosia in The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales (Sacks, 1985).

Allikate loetelu näited

Obasi, E. M., & Leong, F. T. L. (2009). Psychological distress, acculturation, and mental health-seeking attitudes among people of African descent in the United States: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56, 227–238. doi:10.1037/a0014865
Sacks, O. (1985). The man who mistook his wife for a hat and other clinical tales. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

Loe veel:

Chelsea, L. (2012). How to Capitalize and Format Reference Titles in APA Style.